Do Weighted Balls Actually Increase Velocity?

Okay, by now we've all heard the good, the bad, and the ugly about weighted balls.

"They are incredible! I gained 5 mph in 3 weeks!"

"All they do is cause injuries."

"Yeah they make you throw harder, but you lose command!"

All of you have heard these things or a variation of them.

If you only take away one thing from this post, let it be this: It is almost never the implement that makes something useful or not, it is HOW it is used.

This applies to almost everything. Just about everyone would agree that the weight room is a good thing and should be used by all players. But we also would agree that not all training programs are created equal. The same could be said for weighted balls. If done poorly it can cause much more harm than good.

At the end of the day, everything that we have players do should help their performance on the field. It is not about getting good at a drill or getting strong for the sake of getting strong. Everything should point back to their performance on the field.

Weighted balls are just another tool in the toolbelt.

One of the ways I use weighted balls with my clients are in their plyo routine. Some of these are done pre-throwing and others are performed after throwing. My main intention with them is to improve the way they move. Yes, they are used at times for velocity enhancement, but it is a very small percentage the program. The truth is, by improving the way you move on the mound, you are going to put yourself in a better position to throw harder.

If you or your team are looking for help with your throwing or lifting program, click the link below to learn more.

Enjoy the Process,

Jared Gaynor