How Pitchers Can Improve Their Bullpens

We all know bullpens are where pitchers work on their craft. The question is, are you preparing yourself for what you need to do in the game? I wrote a blog post on structuring bullpens a few months ago. If you missed that one you can check it out here.

In this blog post I want to focus on execution based bullpens and different ideas you can implement with your pitchers immediately.

What are they?

Execution bullpens are measurable and trackable. They are game like situations and should be competitive. If we expect pitchers to execute pitches in the game, shouldn’t we be practicing it in bullpens? If bullpens are easy and thrown without any direct intention, it is going to be tough to flip the switch in game.

Execution bullpen ideas

First Pitch Strikes

Treat every pitch in the bullpen like it’s an 0-0 count. Track how many first pitch strikes the pitcher throws.

3 Pitch At Bats

Track how many times the pitcher throws at least 2/3 pitches for strikes. Do this 4-6 times, depending on how long the bullpen is.

Alternate 0-0 and 0-2

First pitch is focused on in zone and attacking, next pitch is a strikeout pitch. Go back and forth for however many you decide. Track how successful each pitch is.

Head to Head

Have 2 pitchers go head to head with any game you choose. Great way to promote competition!

Differential Balls

Track in zone with differential balls.

Start AB 2-0

See how many times the pitcher can throw 3 strikes before 2 balls.

Full AB’s

Full simulated at bat.

Batter or Dummy

Have a batter or dummy standing in for all of these execution based pens. Double dummy is another option!

TTP and Holds

Add another game like scenario with runners on base. Get their times to the plates and have them change their holds.

In conclusion

There are unlimited execution based bullpens you can do. The important thing is to find the one that is most important for each pitcher. Track their numbers in the bullpen and the game. After 4-6 weeks, re-evaluate and make adjustments when needed.

Enjoy the Process,

Jared Gaynor